Physicians Plus Medical Group

Food Allergies

How are food allergies detected?
Gliadin Intolerance
Tests and the Interpretation Of
Recommendations for Gliadin Intolerance


Food allergies can be hidden and remain undetected, slowly causing damage to your intestinal tract over time. Symptoms can be quite varied; fatigue, muscle pain (fibromyalgia) general lack of vitality, stomach pains, bloating, bowel pains, diarrhea, constipation. Food allergies can be the factor that leads to other diseases of the bowel such as: Celiac disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chrone's disease, etc.

How are food allergies detected?

  1. You've had experience eating a particular food and you observe that your body reacts to that food. Reactions vary from mild coughing to stomach cramps, bloating, fatigue, nausea, etc.

  2. Modified Elimination Diet: This is a severely restricted diet that is as hypo-allergenic as practical. Then foods are re-introduced one at a time to see which ones you react to.

  3. There are various blood and saliva tests available. We recommend a salivary IgA, IgM test for Gliadin, Milk Proteins, Soy, Rice and Corn. This lab test identifies what quantity of antibodies (IgA, IgM) are present in your intestinal tract. If you have the antibodies to these foods you are allergic to them. These are of course some of the most common foods and can lead to other sensitivities.

Gliadin Intolerance

Gliadin is the polypeptide molecule present in the Glutens of Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, Kamut, Spelt, Amaranth, Quinoa and Malt. Often times this is referred to as "Gluten" sensitivity but is a misnomer because Gluten is also present in flours other than the 8 above. For example there is Gluten in Rice.

This is the most dangerous and insidious sensitivity because if you are allergic to Gliadin, it slowly (depending on the health of the individual) erodes and damages the intestinal tract. This process can take decades to occur leading to; Celiac disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chrone's Disease, liver toxicity, adrenal stress, and even other food allergies. Food allergies can be acquired because the gut becomes "leaky" and undigested foods enter the blood stream causing an antibiotic reaction.. Thus you have acquired food allergies. This is why rotation of foods (eating different types of foods consecutively) minimizes these acquired sensitivities.

As far as we know, this is a genetic trait and cannot be reversed.

It is possible that this intolerance is more widespread than once thought. The most susceptible are individuals that are of Northern European decent. This, however does not rule out anyone else. For example I (Asian descent) did the test and surprisingly found that I too was Gliadin sensitive.

It takes quiet a commitment to be off these flours as they are found everywhere....Cakes, cookies, breads, pastas, etc. There are many alternatives, however. We have clinic handouts that have Gliadin free diets and alternatives.

We do have various handouts on Gliadin-free alternatives.

If you are Gliadin sensitive, it takes 3 to 6 months for the gut to heal. The person usually feels better within a couple of weeks.

Above drawing is an example of Intestinal Villi that has been damaged. Notice absence of the finger-like villi. The intestinal lining is smooth as seen from the inside with "holes" (crypts) where parasites can hide.

The below drawing is an example of normal intestinal lining with villi (finger-like projections found in normal intestines to absorb nutrients)

If a person is Gliadin sensitive, and are off of the foods for 3-6 months, parasites can be activated that were once hiding in the "holes" as there can be mucous plugs that prevented their identification previously. SO, if a patient gets very sick and has various symptoms after a bout to feeling great being off Gliadin, suspect parasites and test accordingly.

Tests and the Interpretation Of

IgM and IgA are the names for the types of antibodies tested for. If IgM is positive, the person will usually react quickly to the food. If IgA is positive, the reaction is much slower and more difficult to detect.

The normal level is 0 to 20. Any reading over 20 indicates an allergic condition and the patient should be off that food. If the patient says that they know they are allergic to many foods, chances are that those are acquired food sensitivities and that the usual culprit is Gliadin.

Note: It's also possible for someone to be sensitive to a food and not test positive. If the food is not in their diet, they will not build antibodies to it. Also in the case of Gliadin, your immune system can be so overwhelmed by this molecule that it's literally giving up and not producing much in the way of antibodies. So if I have a patient who is of Northern European in decent (light skinned Caucasian) and their test is 20 which is the high range of sensitivity (but still "normal"), I'll take them off Gliadin for 4 months and then have them eat Gliadin rich foods and see if they react. If they then react (gas, bloating and number of symptoms) it is because their gut has sufficiently healed and the immune system of the gut is now able to fight and respond. This confirms that they are Gliadin intolerant and need to be off those foods for life.

Recommendations for Gliadin Intolerance

  1. It's quite a commitment, but no Gliadin for life.

  2. If very symptomatic, take "Seacure" a white fish protein product that is pre-digested to supply you with high quality digestible protein during the first 6 months of your gut healing.

  3. Hawthorne Berry

  4. Folic Acid

  5. B12

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